뉴스 잉글리쉬

[뉴스 잉글리쉬] 획기적인 신기술, 나노칩, 터치 한번으로 어떠한 신체기관도 만들어 낼 수 있다?

ARTificial Intelly 2017. 8. 18. 01:01

뉴스 잉글리쉬

손상된 조직이나 신체기관을 치료하는 방법으로 환자의 피부조직을 이용해 줄기세포를 생산하는 나노장치가 개발되었다고 합니다.

정말 놀라운 기술이 아닐 수 없는데요. 나노칩이 장착된 회로를 피부에 올려놓기만 해도 세포를 재생하고 장기를 치료하는 것이 가능하다는데...

믿기 어려운 이야기입니다만... 공상과학의 소설같은 이야기가 현실이 되는 시대가 곧 올 것 같습니다.;;;

불치병과 난치병으로 고통받는 사람들에게는 아주 큰 희소식이 되겠네요.

과연 어떤 내용인지 기사원문을 통해 살펴보면서 영어 공부의 세계로 들어가 봅시다!



Nano-chips may heal organs with one touch

10th August, 2017


The medical world sees another example of science fiction coming true. Scientists have revealed a "breakthrough technology" that repaired cells and organs in mice and pigs with a 90 per cent success rate. Researchers at Ohio State University in the USA have developed a device barely a centimeter wide that is full of tiny microchips called nanochips. The new device is a pad that is placed on the skin. It initiates the process of repairing damaged organs and healing serious wounds. The nanochips "reprogramme" damaged cells to restore them to their functional state. Researcher Dr Chandan Sen said: "With this technology, we can convert skin cells into elements of any organ with just one touch."


The new technology is called tissue nano-transfection (TNT). It is a non-invasive procedure, which means surgeons do not have to cut the body. It works by placing the pad of nanochips over a damaged area of the body. A small electric current then injects DNA into the skin's cells in less than a second. This transforms the cells into building blocks that then regenerate any nearby damaged tissue, such as skin, arteries, or even organs like the liver, lungs and heart. Researchers say it could replace the need for patients needing reconstructive surgery and revitalize organs that are prematurely aging. It could even help repair the brain. Testing will begin on humans next year.


기사출처: technology.co.uk / news-medical.net / medicalnewstoday


True / False (/ 거짓)

기사본문을 한번만 읽고 어느 정도 이해했는지 확인합니다. 아래의 문장을 읽고 본문의 내용에 비추어 볼 때, 참인지 거짓인지 판별해보세요!


a) The article says science fiction is coming true in the medical world. T / F

b) A device repaired organs with 90% success in pigs and mice. T / F

c) The new device has microchips in it. T / F

d) The device can transform skin cells into elements of any organ. T / F

e) The new technology still needs surgeons to cut the body. T / F

f) The procedure involves injecting DNA into the skin's cells. T / F

g) The technology will not be effective on the brain. T / F

h) Testing will begin on humans in five years from now. T / F



Synonym Match (동의어 연결하기)

왼쪽에 진하게 표기된 단어들은 기사본문에 등장하는 단어들입니다. 각각의 동의어를 찾아 연결해보세요!

1. breakthrough

2. barely

3. initiates

4. convert

5. elements

6. procedure

7. placing

8. regenerate

9. prematurely

10. repair

a. launches

b. fix

c. components

d. revive

e. advance

f. putting

g. untimely

h. change

i. method

j. hardly



Phrase Match (구 연결하기)

본문의 내용을 머릿속에 다시 상기시키면서 아래의 구절들을 서로 짝지어 연결해봅시다!

1. another example of science fiction

2. breakthrough

3. a 90 per cent success

4. healing serious

5. restore them to their functional

6. It is a non-invasive

7. A small electric current then injects

8. building

9. reconstructive

10. prematurely

a. rate

b. surgery

c. state

d. technology

e. blocks

f. aging

g. coming true

h. procedure

i. wounds

j. DNA into the skin's cells



Spelling (철자 순서 배열하기)

밑줄 친 단어들을 철자 순서에 맞게 다시 배열해봅시다!


1. revealed a rbgohhkutrae technology

2. developed a ecveid

3. It iaetinits the process

4. restore them to their aniclutonf state

5. we can ncvoert skin cells

6. emeesltn of any organ

7. It is a non-invasive dcourpeer

8. A small electric rnrtecu

9. building blocks that then ererngatee

10. tissue such as skin, aitserer, or

11. patients needing reconstructive grusery

12. organs that are rmepyltareu aging

[ ▼ 기사본문과 문제가 정리된 PDF 파일, 그리고 한글로 해석된 직독직해 PDF파일을 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다 ▼]

[기사본문+문제] Nano-chips may heal organs with one touch.pdf

[직독직해] Nano-chips may heal organs with one touch.pdf

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