뉴스 잉글리쉬

[뉴스 잉글리쉬] 충격! '솔로'가 '비만'인 사람보다 먼저 죽는다?

ARTificial Intelly 2017. 8. 18. 00:39

뉴스 잉글리쉬

솔로들이 비만인 사람들보다 먼저 죽는다는 충격적인 연구 결과가 발표되었습니다.

혼자서 외로운 것도 서러운데 심지어 만병의 근원인 비만보다 먼저 죽는다니... ㅠㅠ

과연 어떤 내용일지 기사를 통해 자세히 한번 살펴보고, 영어 공부도 함께 시작해 보아요!




Loneliness is becoming a big danger to health

8th August, 2017


New research suggests that loneliness and social isolation may increase the risk of dying early by 50 per cent. The research is from Brigham Young University in the USA. Researchers tried to find out how loneliness affected the risk of early death. They said loneliness can occur even if people are surrounded by family and friends. Researchers also looked at the dangers to health of social isolation. This is when people have little or no contact with others. The research showed that the risk of premature death was 50 per cent lower for adults who mixed with friends and family. Researchers found that loneliness, social isolation, and living alone were all associated with an increased risk of early death.


The researchers added that loneliness, social isolation, and living alone could be more dangerous than obesity. Professor Julianne Holt-Lunstad said the results of her research are worrying because the population is aging. She said: "Many nations around the world now suggest we are facing a 'loneliness epidemic'. The challenge we face now is what can be done about it." She suggested that one way to help with this problem is to teach social skills to children in schools. She also said doctors should talk more about loneliness to their patients. In addition, she said people should prepare for their old age social life like they take out pensions to prepare for their financial future.


기사출처: medicalnewstoday.com / psychcentral.com / telegraph.co.uk


True / False (/ 거짓)

기사본문을 한번만 읽고 어느 정도 이해했는지 확인합니다. 아래의 문장을 읽고 본문의 내용에 비추어 볼 때, 참인지 거짓인지 판별해보세요!


  1. Research suggests loneliness raises the risk of an early death by 50%. T / F
  2. Research says people are not lonely when with family and friends. T / F
  3. Researchers did not look at the effects of social isolation. T / F
  4. Researchers said living alone did not lead to loneliness. T / F
  5. The research said loneliness was more dangerous than obesity. T / F
  6. Many countries suggested there was a loneliness epidemic. T / F
  7. A professor said doctors should talk to patients about loneliness. T / F
  8. The professor said a pension would help with loneliness in our old age. T / F


Synonym Match (동의어 연결하기)

왼쪽에 진하게 표기된 단어들은 기사본문에 등장하는 단어들입니다. 각각의 동의어를 찾아 연결해보세요!

1. suggests

2. risk

3. occur

4. premature

5. associated

6. dangerous

7. worrying

8. challenge

9. in addition

10. prepare

a. hazardous

b. happen

c. get ready

d. related

e. problem

f. shows

g. furthermore

h. untimely

i. chance

j. concerning



Phrase Match (구 연결하기)

본문의 내용을 머릿속에 다시 상기시키면서 아래의 구절들을 서로 짝지어 연결해봅시다!

1. increase the risk of dying early

2. surrounded

3. the dangers to health

4. the risk of premature

5. associated with an increased

6. could be more dangerous

7. the results of her research

8. we are facing a

9. doctors should talk more about loneliness

10. they take out pensions to prepare

a. are worrying

b. death

c. to their patients

d. than obesity

e. of social isolation

f. by 50 per cent

g. for their financial future

h. risk of early death

i. 'loneliness epidemic'

j. by family



Spelling (철자 순서 배열하기)

밑줄 친 단어들을 철자 순서에 맞게 다시 배열해봅시다!


1. social nlaiootis

2. cresinae the risk of dying early

3. roudreusnd by family and friends

4. little or no ntaocct with others

5. the risk of umrrpteae death

6. were all asscedoiat with an

7. more dangerous than iyetbso

8. the ltnaoiupop is aging

9. we are facing a loneliness cieeimpd

10. She setdgugse that

11. they take out niopssne

12. prepare for their icnalinfa future

[ ▼ 기사본문과 문제가 정리된 PDF 파일, 그리고 한글로 해석된 직독직해 PDF파일을 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다 ▼]

[기사본문+문제] Loneliness is becoming a big danger to health.pdf

[직독직해] Loneliness is becoming a big danger to health.pdf

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